3 Jun 2024

A Silver Lining

Wait let me scream first. Arghhhhhhhh ! So excited to be writing in here again. I have a lottttttttttt to write. Gosh, how long has it been?

Well, I don't know how I ended up here again. I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, I have a ferry to catch tomorrow. Guess reality finally hits again. Malasnyaaaaaa nak balik pulau. But life is hard, isn't it?

So, I was actually having flashbacks of all the old memories, which why I ended up opening this old blog again. Thinking back, I can't believe how much time has passed, how much things have changed, how much I have grown. Betul lah, kita takkan pernah expect macamana hidup kita akan turn out. Like, aku dok baca post lama lama and hahahhahaha, really? Aku ke tu tulis... 

But at the same time, wow, I'm glad I wrote that. Because now I have a record of what happened before. I could see the changes. All the memories. The laughter, the pain. Aku hadap semua tu ye. Dulu rasa macam terpaling tersakiti but, I survived !

Again, people say experience and pain will make you stronger. Betul ! And, betul jugak yang semua kepahitan tu akan ada manis dia. You just have to have faith, and keep going. Life is hard, but it will get better as long as you believe it will. 

Ceritanya, what actually makes me wander around my old posts when this one guy who used to be a 'fling' or 'crush', suddenly reappear. Gosh, and he did it first around last year. I was shocked of course, considering the fact that he is married with a child! He dared to say that he missed me? Hello? Are you for real? I kinda told him off and advised him not to do it again because he has a wife! I remember writing about him and how heartbroken I was when he suddenly got married. I literally right away blocked him and tried my best to move on. We cut off any contact and I prayed the best for him. Somehow, aku dah lupa kewujudan dia.

And, I was heartbroken. Then I met someone and again, got myself heartbroken. So I gave up πŸ˜‚ I thought to myself, dah dah lah. Love is just not for you Jasmin.

Around that time when I have given up on love, I met my fiancΓ¨. YES ! I AM ENGAGED TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE πŸ₯° I found him when I was not even looking for love. It's like, God just sent me a surprise gift. Just like that, 3 years have passed. He was a friend who turned to be my bestfriend, and, we fell for each other. After two years in a relationship, he proposed. Now, we are three months away from our wedding. May everything get eased and go smoothly, amiinn.

Saying that I am happy is an understatement. I am more than that. I don't know how can I express these feelings; gratitude, happiness. He makes me happy and feel loved. Which I never thought it would be possible for me to experience before. Even at this moment, I'm writing here while listening to his snores on the phone πŸ˜‚πŸ₯° What a beautiful feeling.

So here I am, making a statement to support the hypothesis that things do get better. And God knows better. I am always doubtful of myself but I always believe in His plans. I believe in Him. He will always give what He deems best for us. Sure, it will take some time, it will hurt you a little, but it will prepare you for something greater that you deserve. So, put your faith in Him and keep going.

I think I will stop now. Getting sleepy thanks to my love's snores πŸ˜‚ sure will come back again to write an update. Oh, and I'm putting our pictures here as a memory to look back one day πŸ₯°

Glad to have my friends with me
on this special day

My housemates

12 Februari 2024
The day we stepped up, moved a step closer ni
Cover dulu, nanti dah kawin kite tunjuk 😝

Amal pun datang 🌹

Thank you siapkan kite ♥️

Tatie always ready to help

Tak sabar nak update gambar kahwin. Eh. Hahahahaha. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan bagi Jasmin dan Muhammad Hakimi serta keluarga. I can't wait to call him mine, legally πŸ₯°

I love you, my love 😝

Terima Kasih Sudi Baca Cerita Saya ^^,

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